Phone Staffer Logo


Cold Calling

Why us?

Type: Garages
Lead Grade: A
Name: Jane (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Sanibel

Ai Transcript:

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Hello? Hello? Hello?

**Lead**: Hi, my name is Ann. I’m looking for the owner of (redacted).

**Phone Staffer Caller**: That’s us. What would you like?

**Lead**: Yeah, my name is Ann once again, and I’m from (redacted). We just installed some epoxy floor in the area, and the reason why I’m calling you is because we are running some promotions for the neighbors right now. We would like to know if you might be interested in upgrading or renovating your garage, since we are already in the area.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: The only thing I’d be interested in is some little spots of epoxy flooring.

**Lead**: Oh, that’s great to know. For this one, we can help you with that. We have a designer who can come by or drop by your property to see that and give you a full quotation, all for free.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Okay.

**Lead**: Oh, perfect. So for this one, this is your phone number, right?

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Correct.

**Lead**: (redacted), all right. And can I have your full name so I can have it here correctly?

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Sure, Jane Bufford.

**Lead**: Jane Bufford.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: You have that, Jane, J-A-N-E. And the last name, please?

**Lead**: Bufford, B-U-F-F-O.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: B-U-L-L-F-O.

**Lead**: B-U-F-F, like in Franc?

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Uh-huh, two Fs. B-U-F-F-O.

**Lead**: Okay, thank you for this information. And you are interested in epoxy flooring, right?

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Correct, yes.

**Lead**: Great. So for this one Jane, when is the best time to call you in case our designer needs to call you and get some information?

**Phone Staffer Caller**: This line is fine.

**Lead**: What is the best time?

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Oh, late morning.

**Lead**: Late morning, okay.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Sure.

**Lead**: All right, so since I have your information now, Jane, I’ll be providing this to our designer. He will be calling you back late morning tomorrow, is that okay?

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Okay, sounds good.

**Lead**: Oh, perfect. All right, thank you for taking-

**Phone Staffer Caller**: What’s his name? What’s his name? The designer?

**Lead**: We have three designers for this one, so he will be calling you. It’s Mike, okay?

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Okay.

**Lead**: Okay.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Thank you.

**Lead**: All right, thank you, have a great day.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: You bet, bye.