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Cold Calling

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Lead Grade: A
Name: Denis (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Marietta

Ai Transcript:

Phone Staffer Caller: Hello, it’s just Dennis. How can I help?

Lead: Oh, hi there Dennis, this is Kris (redacted) with (redacted). So, we will be in your area this week working on your neighbor’s property, so we wanted to ask if you’re interested in having a free estimate to power wash the exterior of your house.

Phone Staffer Caller: Oh, actually, yeah yeah, it’s a good idea.

Lead: Okay. Do you do soft washes?

Phone Staffer Caller: Yes, we do power wash and soft wash.

Lead: Yes, okay, that’s perfect. So I can actually book you with our estimators to come by since they are in the area. So, are you available this week or next week?

Phone Staffer Caller: This week is good.

Lead: For this week, we have Thursday and Friday. What would be a convenient time for you?

Phone Staffer Caller: Thursday in the first part of the day.

Lead: Okay, Thursday we have availability from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, let’s do like 10 o’clock on Thursday.

Lead: 10 o’clock?

Phone Staffer Caller: Mm-hmm.

Lead: 10 o’clock on Thursday. Alright, let me take note of that. So, am I speaking to Dennis (redacted), correct?

Phone Staffer Caller: Yes ma’am.

Lead: Okay and your best callback number is the one ending in (redacted)?

Phone Staffer Caller: Yes.

Lead: Alright, and for the email address, can I have the email address where we can send you, like, in case we’ve got an estimate?

Phone Staffer Caller: Sure. You have my first and last name?

Lead: First last name?

Phone Staffer Caller: (redacted)@(redacted).com.

Lead: Ok, (redacted)@(redacted).com, correct?

Phone Staffer Caller: Mm-hmm.

Lead: Okay, perfect. And Dennis, your address is (redacted), Mariata, Georgia (redacted), correct?

Phone Staffer Caller: That’s right.

Lead: Alright, perfect. I’ve taken note of everything and just to recap, we will schedule you an appointment on Thursday around 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Just letting you know, since we are in the area, there is no obligation on our part. We will come out to see what you have and offer an estimate to get it cleaned up, okay?

Phone Staffer Caller: Sounds good.

Lead: Alright, sounds good Dennis. Everything is all set now. Thank you so much for your time. Have a great day, sir.

Phone Staffer Caller: Thanks. Bye.

Lead: Good-bye.