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Cold Calling

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Type: Power Washing
Lead Grade: A
Name: Teodulo (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Ellicott City


At Phone Staffer, we help home service companies generate new business by cold calling potential customers. In this instance, we contacted a homeowner in Ellicott City, Maryland, to schedule a free estimate for professional power washing services. The homeowner expressed interest in having the entire house, driveway, and other outdoor areas cleaned. A follow-up appointment was successfully booked for an evaluation. This is just one example of how outbound lead generation can help home service companies get more leads and grow their business. Below is a redacted version of the call to maintain privacy, while illustrating the effectiveness of cold calling for leads.

Ai Transcript:

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Hi, this is Michelle and we will be having a free estimate along (redacted) Lane with (redacted) Service. When was the last time you PowerWashed your house? We can book you with a virtual appointment. You need PowerWashing your house?

**Lead**: Thank you sir. You can let me know when you have a time.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Perfect. Thank you sir. We can schedule you as early as Monday nine o’clock in the morning.

**Lead**: Okay.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: No problem. See you Monday. We will be giving you a call soon. Your correct phone number is (redacted) in (redacted) Lane, Ellicott City, Maryland, (redacted). Correct?

**Lead**: Yes.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Can I just have your street number sir, because we do not have that on record. I have only one.

**Lead**: Okay, the street number?

**Phone Staffer Caller**: One, one number. (redacted) Lane, correct?

**Lead**: Yeah.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Okay, and I’m speaking with Teodulo (redacted)?

**Lead**: Yep.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Okay. Just to document this one sir, which part of the house are you be interested in power wash, like the entire house, driveway gutters?

**Lead**: Sure. Whatever you want, I do. Don’t bother. I work in (redacted). I do power wash, and cut the grass, mulch, creamer bushes, cut the trees.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Like the entire house probably, including driveways, correct?

**Lead**: Yes.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Okay, just keep your lines open sir, because when we will be in our way, we’re going to give you a call, so that’s on Monday, 9 o’clock.

**Lead**: Okay.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Oh, okay, okay, cool. See you.

**Lead**: Thank you, sir. Have a great day!

**Phone Staffer Caller**: You’re welcome.

**Lead**: Okay, thank you. You too.

**Phone Staffer Caller**: Okay, bye bye.

**Lead**: Bye bye, sir.