Type: Roofing
Lead Grade: B
Name: Carmen (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Odessa
Ai Transcript:
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Trucks in the neighborhood?
**Lead:** Yes.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Have you already had it inspected?
**Lead:** No, not yet.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** So, have you filed any insurance claims?
**Lead:** No.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay, because you mentioned you saw a roofing company in your neighborhood, so there is also a possibility that there is some damage on your roof. The reason I am actually calling is because we offer a free inspection to verify any damage, and we can also provide a free quote to ensure that you get the best possible deal. Alright?
**Lead:** Okay, but right now we’re out of town, so we don’t think you can come out. Can you come back later because we’re on vacation right now?
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Actually, for that, what I can suggest is I will just gather your information, and then I can have a project manager give you a call to set up an appointment. How about that?
**Lead:** Okay.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** So, I’m speaking with Carmen. What’s your last name, ma’am?
**Lead:** [Redacted].
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Thank you, Carmen [Redacted]. And what is the best callback number?
**Lead:** (redacted).
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay, thank you. And what is your email address?
**Lead:** It’s [redacted]@gmail.com.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Correct?
**Lead:** Yes.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** And your address is [redacted], correct?
**Lead:** Yes.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay, alright. So, thank you so much for that, Carmen. I’ll go ahead and forward this to our project manager so that he can give you a call to set up an appointment for a property visit.
**Lead:** Okay, thank you.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Thank you so much, and you have a great day.