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Cold Calling

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Type: Solar
Lead Grade: B
Name: Sebastian (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Denver

Ai Transcript:

Phone Staffer: Hi, this is Sebastian.

Lead: Hi, yes it is.

Phone Staffer: Hi, Sebastian. My name is Sam and I’m with the (redacted) Rebate Program, and we’re working in the neighborhood to address the recent changes and the constant rate increases by (redacted).

Lead: I’m not sure if I can help, but I hope I can.

Phone Staffer: If you don’t mind me asking, Sebastian, what is your normal electricity bill?

Lead: That’s a great question for my wife since she’s the one that normally pays the bills. I would imagine somewhere around $130, $150 in the summer, probably less than that in the winter.

Phone Staffer: OK, probably because of the air conditioning during the summer.

Lead: Exactly.

Phone Staffer: Sure. Between $130 to $150?

Lead: Yeah, I think so.

Phone Staffer: OK, I see. Sebastian, I believe you’re with (redacted) Energy. Is that correct?

Lead: That’s right.

Phone Staffer: The reason why I’m asking these questions is that we are a contractor with (redacted)’s net metering program.

Lead: I’m sorry. Repeat that because you cut out.

Phone Staffer: Did I? I’m sorry. Can you hear me OK?

Lead: Is that OK?

Phone Staffer: Yeah, you said you were a contractor with what?

Phone Staffer: Yes, we are a contractor with (redacted)’s net metering program, and we have helped hundreds of homeowners reduce their energy costs through solar options.

Phone Staffer: And depending on your usage, of course, and roof size, there are new rebate options available which can definitely help reduce your monthly bills, especially during the summer.

Phone Staffer: If it’s OK with you, Sebastian, can I maybe have a consultant give you a call first, and then you guys set up a date and time for a visit at your preferred time just to measure your current consumption and also share solutions? Would that be OK with you guys?

Lead: Yeah, you could probably have them set up to call me around the same time tomorrow if you want.

Phone Staffer: OK. Around this time at 4 p.m.?

Lead: Ok.

Phone Staffer: I just confirmed, Sebastian, your address is (redacted). Is that correct?

Lead: Correct.

Phone Staffer: OK. All right. Sebastian, I’m not going to eat so much of your time. I just have a couple more questions. How long have you been living at this address?

Lead: About three and a half years.

Phone Staffer: Oh, very new. OK, three and a half years, not so long ago.

Phone Staffer: My last question for you is: if you are to describe your credit score, would you say it’s excellent, good, fair, or poor?

Lead: Oh, probably excellent.

Phone Staffer: Excellent. OK. All right, thank you, Sebastian. This is actually all the time that I need. I’ll go ahead and inform one of the consultants to call you back tomorrow around the same time. 5 PM onward. Is that OK?

Lead: Yeah, and then tell me the name of your company again.

Phone Staffer: Of course, it’s (redacted) Rebate Program.

Lead: So (redacted) Rebate Program, and that’s the name of your company? How long has it been in existence?

Phone Staffer: Yes, that is correct. The consultant will be the one to provide you with that information, Sebastian. So don’t you worry.

Lead: OK. Sounds good. Thanks for your time.

Phone Staffer: It’s my pleasure, and have a lovely day. Take care.