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Cold Calling

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Type: Power Washing
Lead Grade: C
Name: Mounir (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Charlotte


“At Phone Staffer, we help home service companies generate more business through effective outbound lead generation strategies like cold calling. In this transcript, we called a homeowner in Charlotte to coordinate a free estimate for power washing services. The homeowner expressed interest in having their siding cleaned and scheduled an appointment for further assessment. This is a great example of how cold calling for leads can help home service companies reach new customers and grow their businesses efficiently. Below is the redacted transcript from the call, ensuring individual privacy is protected.”

Ai Transcript:

Phone Staffer Caller: Hello. What announced?

Lead: Hi, this morning ceremony Charles here, by the way, from our power washing. This is just actually follow up call for an appointment that was set playback. December 12. we will let you confirm. Mr if you happen to receive a call from our estimator. About to power your exciting at home. Uh, watch a power wash, um, what, uh, yeah. A little call from from our estimator.

Phone Staffer Caller: No, no, not that and not right now because, you know, I just pay 100 dollars for to many see this month. So, I don’t have no money right now.

Lead: Well, actually, the reason why we’re just trying to give you a call because right right now, we’re just calling property owners in Charlie and this is a free estimate. So you don’t need to pay of anything up front. This is just a call. Maybe you’ll come on that day there a day around three. P.M. Thursday.

Phone Staffer Caller: This Thursday, the night. Yeah.

Lead: Okay, I’ll check that one for you.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay. I got three P.M. and you let me know how much cost me for pressure washer of my home.

Lead: Perfect. The address is (redacted) right?

Phone Staffer Caller: Yeah.

Lead: Okay. when I do it, you’ll be going to how many?

Phone Staffer Caller: I’m sorry, you will be guaranteed clean my fighting for how long?

Lead: Well, it’s gonna be Jacob who’s going to answer that one for it because I’m just a providing a call, but I’ll have that one to be noted for him. Alright. To discuss that one with you during the visit and that can be Thursday three o’clock right?

Phone Staffer Caller: Yeah.

Lead: Okay. I’ll be waiting.

Phone Staffer Caller: Perfect. By the way, can we confirm the email address that we got here? Is this still at I mean, it’s just the Richard’s (redacted). It’s the correct one and not at all.

Phone Staffer Caller: What is it again? Can we have your most active email address please?

Lead: Mm, can we have your email address today?

Phone Staffer Caller: My address was you (redacted).

Lead: Oh, no. No. Uh, email address. Your email.

Phone Staffer Caller: I’m never use email address.

Lead: Okay. I understood. Well, again, we will have Jacob come over and that’s gonna be Thursday the ninth.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay.

Lead: And something comes up though, would you be available for the next schedule available, which is 5 p.m. onwards?

Phone Staffer Caller: 7 P.M. I don’t have no idea. No, I mean, three o’clock 3pm and let me know.

Lead: Okay, well, let me know.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, we’ll do. We’ll do so we will let him come over by a Thursday night around three o’clock, Okay, and I’ll have him call you prior coming over.

Lead: Alright.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, alright. Thank you.

Lead: All right. Have a good answer. Bye bye.