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Cold Calling

Why us?

Type: Power Washing
Lead Grade: C
Name: Ryan (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Lititz

Ai Transcript:

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Michele, can I help you?

**Lead:** Yeah. Hi. Good morning. This is Rhea from [redacted]. I’m calling regarding your exterior maintenance. May I speak to the facility manager, please?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** He does not have a direct line. Do you have his email address?

**Lead:** No, but that would actually be great, because we would actually like to—since it’s not available—it would be part of your vendor for a power washer service. May I have his email address?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Ok, it’s [redacted]@(redacted).

**Lead:** Alright, thank you so much. His first and last name is Ryan [redacted]?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** You got it.

**Lead:** Alright, so I’ll just address the email through his name. Thank you so much. By the way, is this the best phone number to reach you guys?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Alright, thank you so much. Well, as I said, he doesn’t have a direct line, so email would be best.

**Lead:** Oh, email is the best. Ok. Alright, I’m gonna put that here on my end.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** All right.

**Lead:** So, ma’am, I’ll go ahead and send our info about our company through his email, as well as the company achievements. From there, you can send us the requirements and steps on how to be part of your vendor list for a power washing service.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Ok.

**Lead:** Ok. I’m sorry ma’am, who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** This is Michele.

**Lead:** Michele. Alright. Thank you so much, Michele. I really appreciate your time. Have a good one!

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Thank you.

**Lead:** Bye.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Bye.