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Cold Calling

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Type: Mortgages
Lead Grade:
Name: Nakeisha (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Riviera Beach

Ai Transcript:

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Hello.

**Lead:** Hi, is this Bretisha?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Uh huh. Good day, Natacha. This is Chris. We’re just calling the homeowners in the area, because we saw we can help you refinance your current mortgage and lower your existing interest rate. Are you still at (redacted)?

**Lead:** Yes, I’m at (redacted).

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Yep, and our records here show, ma’am, that you are on an FHA loan at 7 percent interest rate. Is this correct?

**Lead:** I think that’s correct.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Yep, that’s exactly why we’re calling, because that 7 percent interest rate is filler. Now, what I’m doing right now, Natacha, is just call you and ask you for the best available time and plan an appointment. We’re gonna work with our loan officer to actually call you. Do you have any best time available today?

**Lead:** And where are you calling from?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** The name of our company is (redacted).

**Lead:** Okay. I’m not working now, but tomorrow might be a day. I guess we’ll hear what you guys have to offer.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay. Definitely, Natacha. What time tomorrow?

**Lead:** Maybe around 10 o’clock?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** And where are you located?

**Lead:** Oh, Florida. Rivera Beach?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay, Florida. Now, where is your company located?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Oh. We’re actually located in Miami.

**Lead:** Oh, okay. You’re not that far.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Yeah. So, around 10 in the morning?

**Lead:** Yeah.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** That the best time for you?

**Lead:** Yeah.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay. Got it. Give me one second here.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** And also, Natacha, would you still happen to know how much your exact total loan amount is?

**Lead:** No. I got an update, if I know how much it is.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Yup. Right. Roughly, right?

**Lead:** About 200, 300K, probably. Maybe around 200 and something. I don’t know exactly.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** That’s all I — How much? I’ll just put here around 200, because once our loan officer reaches out, they will actually calculate the best rate and the savings so we can get you and tremendously trim it down from a 7 percent interest rate, because that’s the route.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Now, I’ve got all the details here. And this is the best number to ring you back at, right? (redacted)?

**Lead:** Yeah.

**Lead:** And before you go for it, do I need to have a particular credit-to-credit amount to get that done?

**Phone Staffer Caller:** No, ma’am. We just wanted one of our loan officers to actually reach you. And once you talk, they will lay it out on the table, and they’ll take care of it. All right?

**Lead:** Ah, just wanted to know, so I’m not wasting your time or mine.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** No, no, no problem. So, just to confirm, too, this is a — you’re currently at (redacted), Rivera Beach, Florida, (redacted), right?

**Lead:** Yes, sir.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Got it, ma’am. And is this still your active e-mail address? (redacted)?

**Lead:** Yes, it is.

**Phone Staffer Caller:** Got it. Natacha, I really appreciate your time you’re giving me. And our loan officer will