Lead Grade: A
Name: Apurva (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Clarksville
Ai Transcript:
Phone Staffer Caller: Hi. Hello. Is this Apoorva?
Lead: Yeah, this is Apoorva.
Phone Staffer Caller: Hi, Apoorva, this is Mary with (redacted). Well, actually, Colleen, because we’re in the area, this week, working on a few of the neighbors’ properties, I’d like to know if you’re interested in some estimates for the exterior of your house to be powerwashed?
Lead: Yes.
Phone Staffer Caller: Oh, perfect. Great. Yeah, I’d like to know if – are you gonna be available for an estimator to come by?
Lead: When?
Phone Staffer Caller: How about on – yeah, sorry. I’m checking. I do have an available schedule for tomorrow between 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Will that work for you?
Lead: 8 p.m. to 10 a.m.? Tomorrow?
Phone Staffer Caller: The 6 – I’m sorry, today is Wednesday. That’s gonna be Friday the 6th.
Lead: Friday?
Phone Staffer Caller: Yeah. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.?
Lead: Hold on. Let me check.
Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, sure.
Lead: Hello?
Phone Staffer Caller: Yes, I’m here.
Lead: Yeah. You said 8 to 10 on Friday?
Phone Staffer Caller: Oh, that’s gonna be 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., Friday the 6th.
Lead: Okay.
Phone Staffer Caller: Oh, good. Yeah, and this is the best number that we can call you back, the (redacted) number.
Lead: Yep.
Phone Staffer Caller: Oh, perfect. Yeah. And by the way, Apoorva, do you have an email address? We can also send you an update, or…?
Lead: Apoorva Patel 13F.
Phone Staffer Caller: Apoorva Patel. 13?
Lead: 13 at Yahoo dot com.
Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, so that’s going to be your first name and your last name 13 at Yahoo dot com, right?
Lead: That’s correct.
Phone Staffer Caller: Oh, perfect. All right. And your address is at (redacted), right?
Lead: That’s correct.
Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, perfect. So, John will give you a call back on this number. By the way, which part of the house are you going to have an estimate?
Lead: Whole house and a patio.
Phone Staffer Caller: Whole house and patio?
Lead: Yeah.
Phone Staffer Caller: Oh, perfect. Gotcha. All right, so again John will give you a call on this number and I booked you for an estimator to come by Friday the 6th around 8 .
Lead: All right, perfect. Thank you.
Phone Staffer Caller: Thank you so much. Bye, bye.