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Cold Calling

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Lead Grade: A
Name: Sahak (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Sterling

Ai Transcript:

Phone Staffer Caller: Hello, good afternoon. This is Aura from (redacted). Is this Sahaku Walia?

Lead: Yes.

Phone Staffer Caller: Hi, sir, I’m just trying to choose team within our area. Or we’re on your area right now within a week. And we want to offer you for power, or soft washing of your house. Are you interested in it?

Lead: So, you think you’re by our house?

Phone Staffer Caller: Come again?

Lead: Did you say you guys are by my address somewhere?

Phone Staffer Caller: Within the area, we will be in your area within the week, sir.

Lead: Okay, on Pullman Court?

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay. Yeah, I mean, all the interested together good.

Lead: Okay, that’s great.

Phone Staffer Caller: So, what will be your available time next week? Friday, on September 13th, correct? At what time, morning or afternoon?

Lead: Anytime is okay, I’m working from home, so…

Phone Staffer Caller: Oh, okay. 8 to 9. Will that be good, or is that too early for you?

Lead: I think that’s too early, so after 10.

Phone Staffer Caller: After 10? Okay. About 10 to 11, or 11 to 12 will be the best?

Lead: 10 to 11.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, so I’ll go ahead and have it scheduled for you. I’ll just need to track your information, sir, just to make sure we got it right.

So, Sahaku Walia, we have your phone number here, the one that we called you at (redacted). We can call you on this number, right?

Lead: Yes.

Phone Staffer Caller: And your email here on file is (redacted). Is this correct?

Lead: Yes.

Phone Staffer Caller: And your address is (redacted) Pullman Court in Sterling?

Lead: Yes.

Phone Staffer Caller: Alright, yes. So, please keep your lines open on Friday, September 13th, so that we can go ahead and give you an estimate, all right?

Lead: Okay.

Phone Staffer Caller: Thank you so much for your time. Have a good day.

Lead: Bye.