Type: Power Washing
Lead Grade: B
Name: Phyllis (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Rock Hill
“At Phone Staffer, we specialize in helping home service companies generate leads through effective cold calling strategies. In this redacted transcript, our team contacted a homeowner in the Rock Hill area to schedule a free in-home estimate for power washing services. The homeowner expressed interest in having their property’s exterior cleaned, including patios, driveways, and porches, and an appointment was booked to accommodate their schedule.
This example illustrates how cold calling for leads can be a powerful tool for home service companies seeking to enhance their outbound lead generation and connect with potential customers directly. Below, you’ll find the redacted call details to ensure privacy while showcasing the success of this lead generation effort.”
Ai Transcript:
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Hi, hello.
**Lead:** Your echo is this.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Yo hi. Uh, oh, is someone here to speak with Phyllis (redacted)? Is this the right number to call?
**Lead:** Speaking here.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Oh ya, thank you so much. By the way, Charles here from (redacted), and we are just actually calling the Rockhill area as we will be conducting free in-home estimates for any power wash services. So, we would just like to confirm if you are open for a visit where we pay the property owners a free estimate by then?
**Lead:** Say that again?
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Uh, we power wash the exteriors of houses like patios, driveways, gutters, and porches. And right now we are just calling the property owners as we offer free in-home estimates. So we offer free estimates then, if you would like to power wash any of your exteriors. So we would like to confirm if you are open for a free visit then?
**Lead:** Um, okay but um, okay. When do you think we can do that?
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Well, we will base it on your availability cuz we need someone to be home during the visit to guide our estimator. His name is Jacob. Uh, we would just like to confirm what day you are most comfortable having someone come over?
**Lead:** Um, Saturday.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** I’m sorry, but if I’m going to check the calendar, we don’t have weekend schedules. But the first thing that we have here is Tuesday the 7th. Are you available on that day?
**Lead:** What time?
**Phone Staffer Caller:** What we have here is 9 to 11, 11 to 1, and then 5 to 7.
**Lead:** 9 to 11 works for me.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay, and just in case if something comes up, um, what’s going to be your secondary option though?
**Lead:** I can’t do anything after 2 pm.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay, but your original schedule is going to be 9 to 11, then. Is that correct?
**Lead:** You’re between 9 to 12. 9 to 11 probably would work for me.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay, we’ll do. I’ll put notes on that one. And by the way, last name that we have is (redacted), right? Did I get that one correctly?
**Lead:** Correct. How did you get that? How did you get my name?
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Well, on our end, we’re just given these numbers to call. Financial institutions provide these numbers to call for property owners in South Carolina. So, we just tend to call those numbers and ask if you might be interested in a free estimate. That means it’s no obligations asked. We just need you to be home during the visit so that at least we could explain the estimation by Jacob during the visit. And by the way, the address is (redacted). Right? Is this one correct?
**Lead:** Correct.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay, perfect. So, Miss Phyllis, just to confirm, can we have your active email address so that we can send you a confirmation with?
**Lead:** Say that again.
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Can we have your most active email address so that we can send you a confirmation?
**Lead:** (redacted)
**Phone Staffer Caller:** Okay, let me just confirm if I got that one right. Is that, um, Philly, Philly. T.S.M (redacted). (redacted