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Cold Calling

Why us?

Type: Mortgages
Lead Grade:
Name: Jesenia (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Miami

Ai Transcript:

Here is the cleaned-up and redacted transcript:

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Hello, is this Jesenia Blanco?

Yes, how can I help you?

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Yeah, my name is Chris from (redacted) mortgages. We’re going through a list of homeowners in the southwest 150th Avenue area. The records show that you currently have a loan at a 6.75% interest rate. Is that correct?

I have no idea. Probably.

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Well, based on these records, that’s actually the reason why we’re calling. We saw that we could help you lower that 6.75% interest rate compared to the latest rates today. You may be busy right now, so I wanted to ask: Do you have availability tomorrow between 9 to 5 where one of our loan managers can call you, so we could calculate the best rate and the savings we can get you every month?

Not really. Those are the same hours I work.

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Okay, maybe tomorrow—just 10 to 15 minutes of your time—between 9 to 5, what do you think?

Yeah sure, we can get a call.

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Okay, can you give me a specific time, Jesenia? We don’t want to disturb you when you’re busy.

Honestly, you’re going to disturb me either way because I’m working, so it’s not much difference.

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Right, right. Just give me a specific time, ma’am, and we’ll be there to call you.

Two o’clock.

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Two in the afternoon? Okay, I’ll make this quick. You’re currently at (redacted) Avenue, Miami, Florida, right?

That is correct.

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
And you’ve got a 6.75% interest rate. Can you give me a rough idea of your total loan amount? Maybe around $200,000 or $300,000?

Loan amount regarding what? How much I still owe?

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Yes, your mortgage, the total.

I have no idea. A lot?

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Maybe around $300,000?

No, more.

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Okay, maybe around $500,000 then?

Yeah, it’s probably more than that.

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Alright, thank you. Is this the best email address where we can send you all the information? (redacted)?


**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Alright Jesenia, someone will be calling you, one of our loan managers, around 2 p.m. tomorrow so they can calculate the best rate based on all this information we’ve got here. We want to help you out.

Alright, thank you.

**Phone Staffer Caller:**
Perfect. Thank you so much, I appreciate it. You have a beautiful day and God bless you.


**Phone Staffer Caller:**
You likewise.

All relevant private details have been redacted as requested.