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Cold Calling

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Type: Power Washing
Lead Grade: A
Name: Berchmans (redacted)
Phone Number: (redacted)
Email Address: (redacted)
Address: (redacted)
City: Hyattsville


At Phone Staffer, we specialize in helping home service companies generate more leads through targeted cold calling efforts. In this transcript, we successfully reached out to a homeowner in Hyattsville, offering a free estimate for power washing services. The homeowner scheduled an appointment to have both their siding and driveway assessed for cleaning. This is a prime example of how cold calling can help home service businesses get more leads and grow. If you’re looking to boost your lead generation or need outbound strategies to get more leads for your home service company, cold calling is an effective method worth considering.

Below is the redacted information from the call to maintain privacy:

Ai Transcript:

Phone Staffer Caller: Hello?

Lead: Hi, hello, is this Robinson, Berkshire…

Phone Staffer Caller: Yes, yes. Hi, my name is Hannah. I’m with (redacted). We’re actually calling the neighbors in your area by (redacted) Street. I’m checking if I can book you with an estimator to come by while he’s in your area to give you the free estimate for the exterior of your house to be power washed.

Lead: Okay.

Phone Staffer Caller: This is a free estimate, ma’am. While John is in your area next week, he can go ahead and come by and check for it, check your area.

Lead: Okay.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, hold on, let me just go ahead and get my calendar here. The number that John can reach you is this number that I just called, the number ending in (redacted)?

Lead: Yes.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, and the complete address, ma’am, is (redacted) Purdue Street.

Lead: Sorry, can you repeat that?

Phone Staffer Caller: Purdue Street. P-U-R-D-U-E. The number of the house?

Lead: (redacted), Purdue Street.

Phone Staffer Caller: Yeah, the zip code is (redacted), correct?

Lead: Yes, and the city is Hyattsville.

Phone Staffer Caller: Are you available next week, Monday?

Lead: Yes.

Phone Staffer Caller: What time would you prefer, ma’am, morning or afternoon?

Lead: Between 9 p.m. and 12 p.m.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay… 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. or 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.?

Lead: 8 a.m. to—no, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Your first name is Robinson, and your last name is Birklunds?

Lead: That’s my husband’s name.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, hold on, let me just go ahead and check this. Your first name, ma’am? Your last name is Bertman, right?

Lead: Hold on. Hey, I’m sorry.

Phone Staffer Caller: That’s fine.

Lead: I’m at work.

Phone Staffer Caller: Oh, okay. I’ll be quick, ma’am. Your last name is Bertman, your first name is Nancy, and do you have an active email address?

Lead: My last name is Raw—Robinson. Berckman is my husband. Robinson with an “S.” Robinson is my last name, first name is Nancy. Nancy Robinson.

Phone Staffer Caller: Um, how about your active email address, ma’am?

Lead: I’m (redacted).

Phone Staffer Caller: So that’s Monday, September 16, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.?

Lead: Yeah.

Phone Staffer Caller: Okay, cool. Expect a call from John, he will be calling you to confirm everything as well, okay?

Lead: Okay, great.

Phone Staffer Caller: Ms., thank you so much.

Lead: You too, thank you.